Event Calendar for: Tougas Family Farm
Event Description:
Fall Field Trip - Morning Session
9:30am, October 17, 2024
Take your classroom outside for a fun day of learning on the farm!
All field trip packages include a wagon ride around the orchard, educational lesson about harvesting and the growing seasons, use of the Barnyard, Playground, and Picnic Area, along with a coloring book to take home.
Our field trips are designed for ages preschool through Grade 3. If looking to book older children, special needs groups, or require a wheel chair accessible wagon ride, please contact us at tougastours@gmail.com
Apple Picking Trip ($8.00per person)
Includes picking 5 apples (¼ peck bag), plus an apple to eat in the orchard
Pumpkin Picking Trip ($8.00per person)
Choose a small pumpkin out of our pumpkin patch to take home.
Combo Trip ($10.00per person)
Pick both apples and pumpkins (¼ peck apple bag plus one to eat, and a small pumpkin out of our pumpkin patch)
Snack (additional $2.00per person)
Cider donut and a small cup of pasteurized apple cider
When Making A Reservations, Please:
*Give us the total number of participants. (students, adults, and teachers in your group). We require an adult to student ratio of one to five. All students, teachers, adults and siblings will be charged the same amount to enter the orchard.
*Choose one package for the entire group
*Specify the number of snacks for your group
If you require additional information or assistance in booking your trip contact us at tougastours@gmail.com or 508-330-5491. Please note that the phone may not be answered during peak busy times, and email correspondence is preferred tougastours@gmail.com
Price: $0.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 120 spots