Event Calendar for: Curry Farms
Event Description:
Pumpkin Patch Field Trips
9:00am, October 10, 2024
Field trips are 3 hours long and are $10.00 per person. One teacher and one aide per class free. Parents/chaperones may pay separately on arrival.No minimum group size but we do have a maximum of 150 per group Please arrive on time, pay admission, unload and let the fun begin. Our 9:00 am arrivals will go on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and corn maze first. Each child will select a pumpkin that they can carry. WE'll label and load their pumpkin. If your group has a volunteer with a pickup truck, we can park their vehicle at the pumpkin patch and load directly in to it for transport back to school.Or we'll load onto the bus. If you have boxes or baskets, we can sort by class.Next is the playground with lots of activities. You will be assigned a picnic area, departure at 12:00pm.
The 11:00 am group will eat lunch first then proceed to the corn maze and pumpkin patch and playground. Departure at 2:00pm.
1:00 pm groups lunch first then proceed.
If you reserve Kona Ice, you will pay them separately from Curry Farms, Inc.
Price: $10.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 150 spots