Event Calendar for: Curry Farms
Event Description:
Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze Field Trip
1:00pm, September 30, 2022
Pumpkin Patch Field trips are $10.00 per person, 1 teacher & 1 aide free, are 3 hours long from arrival to departure. Pumpkin patch trips include a narrated hayride to the corn maze,and an opportunity for each child to pick their own pumpkin in the pumpkin patch.No free pumpkins for adults but you may purchase. It is helpful if teachers help with labeling each child's pumpkin (boxes or clothes baskets for sorting by class are very helpful). We will transport pumpkins from the field to your bus, unless a pickup truck is provided by your group. After pumpkins are chosen, you will then go to the playground,enjoy Kona ice if you requested, have the picnic lunch that you brought then depart.
Price: $10.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 150 spots