Event Calendar for: Curry Farms
Event Description:
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
11:00am, September 30, 2020
Field trips are three (3) hours duration. Please arrive on time, pay $8.00 per person (1 teacher, 1 assisstant per class free). Parents and siblings over two (2) also pay. Proceed to hay ride, corn maze and pumpkin patch where each child will select their pumpkin. We appreciate teachers' help to label pumpkins with childs' names. We will load pumpkins onto your bus or if a parent is willing, into their vehicle.Some teachers have brought baskets or boxes to separate classes' pumpkins to speed up sorting when reaching school. We ask that adults not get a free pumpkin but they may purchase. From the pumpkin patch, you'll go to the playground then to your assigned picnic area then back to your ride. Kona Ice will be available if resserved in advance.
We will do all within our power to comply with all guidelines in regard to Covid-19 prevention. Please keep your child home if they are ill. We will be relying on the schools or groups that attend to exercise caution.
Price: $8.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 150 spots