Event Description:

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

1:00pm, October 18, 2019

Field trips are for 3 hours duration. Please arrive on time and pay admission of $8.00 per person (1 teacher and 1 assisstant per class free). Parents and siblings over 2 also pay. After paying you will load onto the hay ride trailers for a guided tour to the corn maze. After the corn maze, you will enter the pumpkin patch where every child will choose a pumpkin. We ask that teachers assist with putting each child's name on their pumpkin. You will be directed where to put your pumpkins either on our transport or if you have a willing chaperone, into their pickup truck. We ask that teachers and parents not get a free pumpkin but they can purchase pumpkins if they wish. From the pumpkin patch you will go to the playground if you arrived at 9:00, then to your picnic area for lunch then to the bus for a ride back to school. If your trip starts at 11:00 you will eat lunch before your hayride.

Price:  $8.00 per person

Total Capacity of this Event:  150 spots